Mission No.6
Area 6
Defense Station
Through the Middle


Gen.Pepper: It's almost over! We're in your debt. Come back in one piece, Fox!
「いよいよだな フォックス!君達には本当に感謝している 生きて帰って来てくれ!」
Fo: Will do, General!

Caiman: Caiman here. No problems.
「こちら、カイマン 異常ないっスよ!」
Caiman: Do you copy? Emergency maneuvers!
Fa: Too late! Game over, pal!
「今頃 気がついても遅いぜ!」

Fo: Entering Venom air defense zone.
Pe: Everybody stay alert!
Sl: Space mines ahead!
Fa: Bogey behind me. Am I gettin' slow?
Fa: Let's clean up this mess.
Fa: Time for a little payback!
Fa: Hold still and let me shoot you!
ROB: Great Fox will cover you.
Sl: Incoming enemy missile!
Pe: Shoot 'em down! We're being marked!
???: Did we get 'em?
Caiman: Not yet, sir!
Pe: They're on me! I'm gettin' careless!
「油断した 後ろにつかれた!」
Pe: What's taking you so long, Fox?
「何をしとるフォックス 早く!!」
Andross: Ah, the son of James McCloud!
Andross: Those tin cans are no match for me!
Andross: I'm looking forward to this!
Caiman: They've broken through the first line!
Fo: We're gonna break through that fleet.
Caiman: They're through the second line!
ROB: Great Fox will cover you.
???: Fire! Fire! Don't let them through!
「撃って 撃って 撃ちまくれ!敵を通すな」
Sl: Venom's right there!
「ベノムは目の前なのに クソ〜 あっちいけ」
Sl: Hoo! That was TOO close.
Caiman: The last line has been breached!
???: There guys are crazy!
???: Dang! DEPLOY IT NOW!
「クソー!ヤツを投入しろ 急げ!!」
Sl: Enemy ahead. This one's different.
Fa: Crud! We were SO close to Venom.
「チッ そこにベノムがあるってのに!!」
Sl: Enemy shield analyzed.
「敵シールド分析完了 モニターに表示するよ」
Pe: Shoot the tentacles to open the core!
Fa: Watch out, Fox!
「フォックス 危ない!」
Pe: Destroy all three energy balls.
Pe: The shield is gone! Shoot the core!
Sl: Yippee! You did it!

Fo: Hold on! We're entering Venom air space.